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Daily Forex Analysis and Predictions for Feb 19, 2010

Today is complicated and hard to predict, may be after from around 1.3440, it would go up to around 1.3550 or even 1.36.
(Current Price: 1.3481)

It is also complicated, We predict that it may go down to around 1.54 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.55 or even 1.56.
(Current Price: 1.5432)

May be after it is falling down to around 0.8880, then it would go up to around 0.8950 or even 0.90
(Current Price: 0.8907)

No Comment, may be it would move zig zag between 90 and 91.

From around 1.09, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.08.
(Current Price: 1.0866)

Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update.

Beware from today news: (time is using GMT+7 / Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at
14:00 EUR
15:00 EUR
16:00 EUR
16:30 GBP
20:30 USD
(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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market yang aneh … bingung nih … mohon pencerahan para master

iyer.. mau tau titik down GU. apa GU boleh up lagi?

Salam profit,
EU melakukan serangan fajar pd jam 04.30AM.
Turun tiba2 sekitar 120 pips.
Pokok-mantep Cak.
Gimana cak Romi apakah trend EU masih turun?
Pesan mbah trading;
1. Jangan takut dan ragu open position.
2. Jangan serakah tentukan target profit 1-3% saja setiap hari.

Kapan udah dibilang dari dulu-dulu GU akan down sampai 1.52 (menurut bocoran)…jadi trend general yah DOWN…cuma dalam menuju 1.52 juga sering UP.kalau strategy robot yah boleh BUY boleh SELL, tapi the last open selalu SELL. misal baris pertama SELL maka harus dijadikan 3 baris agar akhirnya SELL. Tapi kalau open pertama BUY, ,bisa cukup 2 baris yg ke 2 SELL. Nah strategy ini sama sekali tidak melawan TREND. tapi kita tetap masih memanfaatkan pull back nya market sebelum terjun lagi.
Pokoknya kalau robot rajin2 lihat bolinger band dah, dan keep going pake strategynya beben !

pake BB settingnya gimana. apa lagi indi yang perlu diguna?

di MT4 buka navigator, cari di expert atau indi kan
ada tuh “bolinger band”, klik aja, di kasih input,ok,
tapi rumus yang bagus ak tak tahu. coba aja gitu dulu.

buy when market is 1.5420 for a while

panen raya,heuheuheu

Wa ha . . , kemaren gara2 bandel op buy jadi sempat sesak napas (minus 120 an bareng2 di 3pair, GU EU AU. piraku!), alkhamdulillah jam 9 malam nanjak lagi, dan tp yang cuma 20 pip kena tendang juga. heu heu

Anu gandeng kang robot mah nyaman nyaman we sembari udut jeung kipas2 . . . Dinten ayeuna libur ah, ulah ngoyo.
Hidup ki sunda !!

pagi smua.
pagi” GU dah beraksi seru. yg pake robotmah senyum”, yang punya aq yang manual kena MC hehe…….

Sabar pak,robot juga ada masa pacekliknya klo jarak antar pispot pendek2…ga bisa gerak,heuheuheu

hati-hati hari jum’at hari kramat kalau ndak perlu yah jangan OPEN! mari kita dengarkan pendapat para master untuk second opinion. Forex itu tidak harus tiap hari open. kalau bolinger nyempit nah itu makanan robot!

Mohon pencerahan, Bolinger di properties dan TF berapa?

Bisa aja nih bung Nick kasih”petuah”…emang kita 2hari ini panen raya dapetlah 30% mah,tapi begadangnya itu yg bikin ga bisa fokus…heuheuheu

kalau saya 2 hari ini gak main di GU. ngeri….!

punten pak Beben kiraan urang ungkul nu bagadang terus (habisnya sy pake cara bodo dan manual) …alhamdulillah
ada temen pakar, kapan2 mau nanya kalo malem2 kena angin bingung heuheu … makasih sebelumnya

Anjeun dina alamat nu paling tepat. Sebab mang beben mah sembari tiduran laptopnya dikelonin. Jadi kalau ada yang ceurik dina tengah peuting oge kakuping ku anjeuna . . .
heu heu heu deui . . . hidup mang beben (naon na??)

O . . enyak, dasar kolot lamur teh.
Meni geulis siga monalisa, kumaha masangna neng? . . heu heu

manual ato robot sama saja asal disiplin ikuti trend jeli baca news

mbak meta bln ini udah gain brp % nih..??

enjing Abah,
tuh gambar sy dah muncul yang asli
kl yang dulu itu ambil di google,
kasep teu kayak kang Ibing hehehe

Mana . . . can katingali . .
Ke wae ah, rek ka masjid heula.

Strategi 19 Pebruari 2010

saya postkan strategi saya beserta gambar chart supaya lebih mudah difahami
dan saya postkan koleksi 1000 indikator misalnya pivot, predic dll, dengan harapan dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua:

untuk scalper target (10-50 pips) bisa gunakan koleksi indikator

****and never say afraid to trade****





salam sukses 🙂

mohon saran babypips untuk EJ longterm up or down ?

bagus selain lihat harian kau juga lihat longtrem..

Scenario for today

It should test 125.36 area after which a sell off down to 123.15 or extended to 122.10 area is expected

Scenario for this week

Structure is bearish to 121.98 or 121.22 limit but slowing momentum suggests a correction first to 123.41 or 125.60 zone.

Scenario for this month

There is bearish potential for a fall to 124.97 – 121.84 while 128.11 – 129.75 resist. After this fall a recovery up to 129.75 or 131.40 is expected.

salam sukses 🙂

Berarti trading range dg melihat analis grafik.
Trading range eu di 1.3440 – 1,3553, begitukah master Romi?
Current position : eu 1.3457 dan down ngebut jer.

tunggu postingan dari rekan babypipskiller dan aba-abanya agar lebih hati-hati lagi dan tidak sampai babak belur..sebab kemarin abis dihajar sama gu…tolong rekan kalau bisa sering beri aba-aba timing op ya…terima kasih

Salam Profit,

Cak Romi mana ya?
Kita tunggu prediksi eu beliau.
Kalau saya sich berbekal ilmu dari mbah trading, maka filing saya eu akan max di: 1.3553, jadi sell limit eu di 1.3530 is good.

Kayaknya ssuai scenario.
EU max sampai malam ini adalah di 1.3535.
Sehingga alhamdulillah, barusan bangun tidur dan lihat di leptop sudah ijo 30pips.

klo mo open buy G/U tunggu B.limit 1.5170-an TP=20-30p gk usah pake SL.trus tinggal sholat jumat,jgn lupa doa.insya4JJ profit.gue udah coba pake cara ini 2thn dan gk pernah loose…ya jgn sampai lah hihihih.slam profit

1.5170 kapan kesentuhnya?

2 minggu lagi meeen…!

sorry yg bener B.limit G/U 1.5370 TP=20-30p, ato S.limit 1.5510 TP=15-20p….

Kalau liat TF 1W bisakah EU akan naik sampai 1.3622, saya udah OP buy di 1.3485 SL 3440, mohon saran

pada dia tak boleh naik ketahap pada hari ni palingg tinggi area 1.3550 dan turun balik….apap kata para master

Saran saya saat ini, kalau buy eu pasang TP 10 pips saja.
Karena eu down trend.

USD menguat drastis atas smua currency dunia karena statement yg dikeluarkan dari hasil meeting FOMC tadi subuh, yang optimis bahwa resesi ekonomi di Amerika pasti akan pulih… Oleh karena itu, USD langsung jd primadona kembali sebagai safe heaven…
Apakah USD akan terus menunjukkan dominasinya nanti malam?
Kita tunggu saja data penting yang akan rilis nanti sore dan malam utk melihat kecenderungan trend berikutnya…

Smoga sukses slalu…

thanks infonya bro,,,,
smoga sukses

( info tambahan dari Webs sebelah… heuy.. heuy… )

Pada perdagangan pagi hari ini tampak nilai tukar dolar mengalami peningkatan tajam (19/02). Dolar menguat terhadap rival utamanya, euro dan mencapai posisi tertinggi dalam sembilan bulan belakangan. Menguatnya nilai tukar dolar ini merupakan imbas dari keputusan mendadak Fed menaikkan suku bunga acuan menjadi 0.75%.

selamat siang Rekan Trader,,
sekedar masukan saja hati2 untuk OP Buy pair EU dan GU.
level terendah untuk GU ada di posisi 1.5206 sedangkan EU 1.3192.
untuk GU kemungkinan akan koreksi Up sampai di titik 1.5475 max 1.5515 ) setelah itu turun lagi, tetapi semua juga tergantung news nanti.
Untuk EU koreksi UP kemungkinan sampai di level 1.3534 ( max. 1.3573 ) seelah itu turun kembali.
sekali lagi ini hanya teknikal.
mohon maaf bila meleset
saya pribadi OP chfjpy di 84.40 TP 85.40 SL. 83.40
SUKSES !!!!!

saya sependapet dgn anda..hari ini EUR dan GBP kembali turun

Setuju dgn bro Panjul
Hati utk rekan2 yang mo open Buy di pair EU dan GU, karena tekanan jual masih tinggi, apalagi ini hari Jum’at, yang terkadang tidak bisa ditebak arahnya…
Bagi rekan2 yg tetep mau Buy, tetap bisa, dengan syarat rekan2 masuk pada harga yg layak, dan tentunya menerapkan Stop Loss ketat…
Menurut saya, kemungkinan koreksi mungkin akan ada pada level skitar 1.5350an, entry Buy pada level itu, TP 20-30pips saja, SL 50pips. Usahakan posisi yg open bs diclose sebelum waktu data2 penting rilis..

Klo saran saya, untuk hari ini, alihkan pandangan rekan2 dari GU ato EU, masih ada pair lain yg lebih stabil runningnya

Saya pribadi, hari ini pindah jalur dulu ke AUD/USD, siap2 entry Buy di 0.8885, TP 20-30pips, SL 50pips

Smoga sukses..

Lumayan untuk hari ini… Prediksiq kena lagi… TP 20pips utk AUD/USD…

Smoga rekan2 yang lain juga sukses utk hari ini…

Siang Bung Panjul.

Sy ikut OP C/J ,
Suksess !! & salam profit

Met malam bro Panjul…..

Trims… sy C/J cukup 60 Pip saja…. maklum msh pemula… Sukses bro…


sama2 bro,,semoga sukses selalu
salam !!!

The US Dollar advances, but we’re not chasing the Tiger
Some key price developments and levels to watch
Fed’s latest move should not be discounted
EMU issues set to maintain pressure on the EUR
Outlook for cable worsens
Key data and events to watch next week
The US Dollar advances, but we’re not chasing the Tiger

The USD put in a mixed week, as risk appetites overall managed to hang on to recent gains. The buck gained ground against the JPY, EUR, CHF and GBP, but lost ground against CAD, AUD and gold, highlighting the growth divergence currently unfolding. Europe and the UK remain the laggards, while commodity producers’ remain the leaders. Risk assets, as indicated by stocks and JPY-crosses generally posted gains, again with the above divergences holding sway–EUR/JPY is still below the breakdown from two weeks ago, while AUD/JPY is at a 3-week high. We expect these divergences to continue to be operative in the weeks ahead and we would look for opportunities to re-buy the leaders on pullbacks and re-sell the laggards on corrective bounces.

For the USD, next week promises to see further choppy trading conditions and we would maintain an extremely short-term focus, using data reports and key technical levels as guide posts. We would also note the return of Chinese markets to the fray, following a week’s hiatus for the Lunar New Year, which ushered in the Year of the Tiger. (Perhaps a positive omen for risk appetites?) Chinese markets did not have the chance to react to the Feb. 12 increase in the PBOC (Peoples Bank of China) reserve ratio requirement, so the early reaction on Monday in Asian markets will be an important indication of how risk sentiment may fare for the week. Along those lines, we would observe that risk assets generally shrugged off the Fed’s discount rate hike, ultimately buying the Fed statement that the move held no implications for higher US rates any time soon. That noted, US Treasury yields are at recent range highs (e.g. 10-year 3.80%) and we will be watching rates closely to see if gains extend or reverse.
Some key price developments and levels to watch

The USD index made new highs for the overall advance, but the high was exactly contained by the base of the weekly Ichimoku cloud at 81.343. The past week also ended with a second spinning top on the weekly candlesticks, an indication of uncertainty over the current directional move (higher), and a potential early warning sign of a reversal lower. In EUR/USD, the key 1.3450/3500 area effectively held and Friday’s daily candle suggested a hammer (bullish reversal pattern after a decline), while the weekly candle posted a doji, a sign of uncertainty similar to a spinning top, and closed just above the weekly cloud bottom at 1.3598. The top of the weekly cloud is at 1.3821 next week, and the daily Tenkan line is at 1.3642. We would be reluctant to be short EUR/USD at current levels and prefer to be sellers on strength back into 1.3850/13950 area. USD/JPY tested above the daily cloud on Thursday at 91.59, but closed the week just below it, suggesting a possible rejection from just below the 200-day sma at 92.28. We would look to re-buy USD/JPY on weakness around the Kijun line at 90.35/40 in light of the bullish crossover (on both daily and weekly) of the Tenkan/Kijun lines. GBP/USD looks the weakest among the major dollar-pairs (see Sterling below), but it also posted a hammer on Friday, potentially signaling a near-term bounce. The 1.5650/5700 area looks to offer an attractive level to short Cable. Gold prices tested the bottom of the daily cloud this past week (at 1128.80/29.50 next week) and overall looks to be consolidating between the 1095/1100 level on the downside and 1125/1130 above. A break higher into the cloud will be needed soon, or a failure and decline seem likely; below 1095 exposes a return to 1045/50 initially.
Fed’s latest move should not be discounted

The Fed’s decision to raise the discount rate this week caught the markets off guard and in our view is another step in the direction of monetary policy tightening. Chairman Bernanke pretty well telegraphed the move in his most recent speech and the hike to 0.75% dovetails with the elimination of many of the Fed’s extraordinary liquidity programs this month. The Fed made it a point to note that this is not a shift in policy and while they do have about 50 more basis points of discount rate hiking room (typical spread between the target funds rate and the discount rate is 100 basis points), they will be hard-pressed to convince the market that this does not – at the margin – suggest a tighter Fed sooner rather than later.

The increase suggests that in the medium-term, the Fed will likely adopt a policy of paying higher interest on reserves in order to keep the more than $1 trillion in excess monies from pouring into the economy and creating an inflation problem. The increase in the discount rate would eliminate the potential for arbitrage as the banks would not be able to borrow for less than the Fed would pay out in interest.

The surprise move also elicited a smart rally in the US dollar and we believe it adds yet another fundamental ingredient to what has become a dollar-positive cocktail. Not only is economic data in the US handily outperforming that of the Eurozone, UK and Japan, but now it is clear that the Fed will be much more aggressive in tightening the noose than any central bank in those regions. The ECB remains handcuffed by the peripheral debt problems and the BOE and BOJ can hardly tighten policy in the face of what are still economic doldrums. Higher interest rates in the US should drive capital flows away from these relatively riskier investments and back into US dollar denominated assets.

The incoming data on growth and inflation will remain extremely important for Fed policy and this week’s recent consumer price report looks to have taken some of the edge off the Fed’s rate hike. Core consumer prices slipped -0.1% in January and this took the annual rate to 1.6% from 1.8% prior. The low inflation news sparked what looks to be a profit taking sell-off in the US dollar as we head into the weekend. All eyes will now be on Fed Chairman Bernanke next week when he delivers his Monetary Policy Report before the House and Senate panels on Wednesday and Thursday.
EMU issues set to maintain pressure on the EUR

The Greek government may have bought itself a month’s stay of execution in order to persuade the EU and the markets that it can reduce its budget deficit to an acceptable equilibrium in less than three years, but the inexorable position is that this will be a nigh on impossible task. Greece’s problems will remain in one month’s time and the discussion over whether Greece will eventually go cap in hand to the IMF or revert to a devalued drachma is likely to intensify over this period. Crucial for the EUR is the broader discussion over whether monetary union can be sustained without either tighter fiscal union or an acknowledgement from the wealthier more productive members that they will have to increase their support for the less fiscally prudent. Politically, neither scenario is a winner. Also crucial for the EUR is the news that certain states including Greece and Italy may have used derivatives operations to bolster the appearance of their budgets going into EMU. This is a mockery of the limited fiscal controls that EMU has. In summary, with so much uncertainty haunting the EUR buyers are likely to remain scarce. Since inception the average level for EUR/USD is 1.18, EUR/USD could move lower this year.

The release of the German IFO data this week may bring further signs that the pace of the recovery has increased modestly in Q1. The market is expecting the German final Q4 GDP release to remain unrevised at flat q/q. In view of EMU’s woes and the likelihood that the ECB will be hiking rates after the Fed this cycle, any support for the EUR on the IFO release is likely to be short-lived.
Outlook for cable worsens

The outlook for cable has taken a hit over the past week. Data releases have highlighted a sharp drop in retail sales, a surge in the jobless count and record public sector borrowing. Poor weather and a hike in VAT may have contributed to the poor performance of the retail sector in January. Even so, with the labor market taking a turn for the worse, it would be optimistic to assume that the consumer sector will remain anything but weak going into the spring. These data force the question of how sustainable the UK economy recovery will be in 2010 if fiscal support is rapidly withdrawn. This debate is already intensifying ahead of the spring general election. From a policy perspective there may exist a fine line where a moderate dose of fiscal austerity would be consistent with economic growth. This scenario would bolster investor confidence and the pound. However, given the risks on either side of this line could swing as far as a debt crisis (if no austerity is introduced) to a double dip recession (if too much austerity was seen), the outlook is fairly grim. Neither scenario would be good for the pound and in all likelihood sterling buyers particularly vs. the US dollar will remain scarce into the spring and most likely beyond. Some comfort for the pound may be offered by the revision to the Q4 GDP data. The market is hopeful of a small upward revision to +0.2% q/q. However, this would hardly change the view that the economy is struggling to shake off the shackles of recession. The break below the key GBP/USD1.5540 swing target was a negative technical indicator and strengthens the likelihood of a move to USD1.5270 ahead of USD1.500 and potentially back to last year’s low at USD1.3750 on a 6 mth view.

GU Minggu ini harga dekat jika kurang dari drop 1,5419-0,0029 besar perhatian besar untuk minggu depan dalam perjalanan BAHAYA …

jika Minggu ini ditutup menguat dari 1,5919 + .0029 Besar Pemulihan dan squeez pendek minggu depan mungkin …

Jika sebuah saham mulai naik dengan cepat, kecenderungan dapat terus meningkat karena penjual pendek akan mungkin sekali ingin keluar. Misalnya, sebuah saham naik 15% dalam satu hari, orang-orang dengan posisi pendek mungkin dipaksa untuk melikuidasi dan menutup posisi mereka dengan membeli saham. Jika cukup pendek penjual membeli kembali saham, harga didorong lebih tinggi lagi.

Pertama datang melayani pertama dasar:

Jika Trend Reverse dari sini ke UP
————————————————– ————————————————– ———————-
Jika berkelanjutan dengan DOWN Trend saluran

GU —> Gray area,,, Bisa Pivot Point =(+/-) 116 PIP
Jangka Pendek Baru Telah posted = (+) 87 PIP
Jangka Pendek Bottom Telah posted = (-) 232 PIP

Harian PIPS berdasarkan perubahan dekat …

GU -> Gray area,,, Bisa Pivot Point =(+/-) 487 PIP
Jangka Pendek baru telah diposting = (+) 365,40 PIP
Bottom jangka pendek telah diposting = (-) 974,40 PIP

PIPS didasarkan pada perubahan Mingguan …

Jika GU menembus 1.5375,maka akan berlanjut ke 1.5280
jika nembus 1.5535 maka akan berlanjut sampe 1.5700.

Mohon maap jika melezet…..

AUD_CAD Buy 0.9333 NotConfirmed
EUR_CAD Sell 1.4259 NotConfirmed
GBP_USD Sell 1.5625 NotConfirmed
NZD_USD Buy 0.6956 Confirmed
AUD_CAD Buy 0.9325 NotConfirmed
AUD_NZD Buy 1.2749 NotConfirmed
GBP_JPY Buy 141.02 NotConfirmed
GBP_USD Sell 1.5599 NotConfirmed
AUD_CAD Buy 0.9326 NotConfirmed
EUR_CAD Sell 1.4259 NotConfirmed
USD_CAD Sell 1.0516 NotConfirmed
GBP_JPY Buy 141.04 NotConfirmed
USD_CAD Sell 1.052 NotConfirmed
AUD_CAD Buy 0.9325 NotConfirmed
CAD_JPY Sell 87.66 NotConfirmed

siang all kalo pake robot gimana sih?

selamat siang all gimana cara penggunaan robot ?

bisa dibaca di buku petunjuknya Pak

atau ke live chat support kami di untuk dibantu

Pending Order Buy di 1.5300, TP 20-30pips (jangan serakah), SL 50pips
Jika terkena, wajib hukumnya close sebelum jam 8 malam, ntah loss/profit…

Range market Eropa : lowest 1.5300, highest 1.5520

Sukses buat rekan2 skalian…


—> Jika Anda seorang pedagang hari adalah baik untuk memiliki warna merah tua Hitam Math indikator dalam toolbox sangat akurat dan tepat rentang! ..

Breakaway Bearish

Direction: Bearish
Type: Reversal
Reliability: Moderate

Breakaway Bearish
Hari pertama adalah hari biru panjang
Yang kedua, ketiga dan sebagainya hari semua terus dalam arah yang sama dengan menutup lebih tinggi, tapi lebih lemah daripada yang pertama mendorong bullish.
hari kelima adalah hari merah panjang yang menutup ke dalam tubuh hari pertama atau kedua.

Beberapa batang lilin pertama menunjukkan kekuatan tren telah dipercepat secara signifikan. Pada hari ketiga dan sebagainya yang lebih lemah bergerak ke atas menunjukkan tren mulai lambat.

Bahkan pertama tiga atau empat hari sesuai dengan Advance Block Bearish pembentukan. Advance Block Pola yang biasanya tidak pola pembalikan yang kuat dan pedagang biasanya menunggu konfirmasi tambahan hari berikutnya.

Lilin terakhir dari Breakaway Bearish persis yang menawarkan konfirmasi. Setelah beberapa hari memburuk tren bullish, bearish lilin yang jelas muncul untuk reorientasi arah pasar. Pasar biasanya ingin melihat lilin bergerak bearish sebelumnya di bawah dua atau tiga hari yang ideal kemerosotan untuk konfirmasi.

Candlestick analis di pasar non-FX biasanya membutuhkan Breakaways untuk memiliki kesenjangan setelah bullish besar pertama bergerak. Kesenjangan menyarankan variasi dalam kekuatan mengubah Breakaways. Karena sifat yang lebih efisien, pasar uang 24 jam, pedagang tidak akan melihat kesenjangan tersebut.

Mungkin GU akan mo turun lagi nihh sampe:1.5325

wah master2 pada kemana nich….
jd bingung mau OP…

Hmmmmmm… Market is crazy, irrasional and emosional.

CAD_JPY Sell 87.66 Confirmed
AUD_CAD Buy 0.9337 Confirmed
CHF_JPY Sell 84.8 Confirmed

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