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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for June 22, 2010

It is more likely to go down to around 1.2220 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.23.
(Current Price: 1.2308)

It is more likely to go down to around 1.4670 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.48.
(Current Price: 1.4749)

It is more likely to go down to around 0.8650, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 0.8770.
(Current Price: 0.8763)

It is more likely to go down to around 90.30, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 91.
(Current Price: 90.93)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.12, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.11.
(Current Price: 1.1133)

Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update.

FOREX NEWS . Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at
13:15 CHF
15:00 EUR
18:30 GBP
21:00 USD
(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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pagi semua…ternyata GU dan EU turun juga…

Selamat menik mati profitnya

ingat min 1:500 dalam setiap transaksi hariannya teman2,liat h4/d1 dalam setiap op and titik2 pivot/resistan hariannya,selamat pagi n salam kenal semua rekan2 trader semua.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Semoga Hari ini Kita Profit dan selalu semangat
Master Putra, Master Frans, master Dony, abah dan mastermaster lainnya

ditunggu Bimbingannya

sell limit 1,4800 tp 1,4690 yuuk,(salam 100 point only)

EU juga apa sell limit diharga berapa

mau dong bocorannya

bukannya tadi malem bung priyayi bantul jam 12.20 postingannya “buy limit di 1.4746 tp 1.4846 (salam 100point everyday)” , kan udah kecantol tuch tinggal nunggu kena tp, kok sekarang berubah lagi yach? bener2 lucu nich… I LIKE IT…

he he he

dah mulai cerah ya mas naryo

kayaknya dah mulai mendapatkan pencerahan nih mas naryo, yang ke floting gimana tuh dah mulai dijemput sama mas candle

sukses ya mas

ya mas Dony, trimakasih bimbingannya

Salam profit semuanya ,jangan lupa MM ,jangan ragu untuk cutloss daripada berdarah darah …..bikin stress heuheuheu

alloww kang robot gehu na kumaha euy?
sering2 nengok ke sini atuh kang.sukur2 kasih bocoran op nya si robot gedek.
salam GEHU

Aaaaah . . didinya mah leuleungidan wae, siga parawan anu dipingit ku mitoha . . heu heu heu deui,

Barudaaaak . . . TETAP SEMANGAT!!

Terima kasih kepada semua master-master

buat temen2 penggemar GU sebaiknya BUY, jangan lupa ambil harga dipaling bawah ya…

news yang paling berpengaruh menurutku nanti malem, exiting home sales, semoga profit

ini signal hariannya setiap jam berapa ya??
mohon bimbingannya para master…

buy limit GU 4715 tp 50
tolong di jemput ya.

salam semua..

t.ksih bung GS… prediksinya mantap…
mau tanya, ke mana hilangnya Pak Panjul sama Pak Yoga? Udah lama tidak kelihatan di forum ini?

pak panjul 08 sdh berubah nama jadi putra 0274 karena dirasa nama panjul08 sdh tdk hoki di tahun 2010 ini, tapi beliau masih aktif ngasih prediksi di forum ini, nach kalo pak yoga lucu lagi … denger2 sedang bertapa di gua ama kera sakti n lelembut2 disana, nyari wangsit katanya… tapi kalo menurutku beliau bukan beratapa disana kayaknya malah ketiduran tuch, habisnya nggak bangun2 sich, kwakkwakkwakkkk…….

ini strategi KERANJANG PIPS,
close salah satu ketika satu sudah kesentuh harga
sell limit 1.4810 TP 1.4710 SL 1.4910
Buy Limit 1.4710 TP 1.4810 SL 1.4610
jangan di pasang hanya boleh di demo, saya pakai acc micro volume 0,01 lot

Siaaap bro. Wah jurus terbaru mulai diujicoba ya 😀

bung putra kok tumben pakenya micro lot bukannya setiap trading pakainya minim 1 lot? pa ini hasil indi yg baru ya? bravo dech buat bung putra

iya, ini baru di temukan, saya coba aplikasikan ke bulan Juni dari tgl 1 sampai 18, 2 kali gagal tgl 10 dan 11, strategi ini tidak berlaku hari senin,,maklum karena masih tarap Uji coba pakai mikro aja hilang 10$ kan gpp,,

Biar lebih aman lagi, mendingan buka Account Cent … jadi kalo Floating sampe 1.000 pips juga gpp karena cm kena 10 dorarrr …

saya pakai acc. cent, jadi trading saya sangat nyaman. tdk kuatir kena MC.

mas putra EU nya mana

Mas Putra,
dapat angka2 ini :
sell limit 1.4810 TP 1.4710 SL 1.4910
Buy Limit 1.4710 TP 1.4810 SL 1.4610
dari mana ? (rumusnya) hehehe


Dear Akang Putra,
Saya lagi dag dig dug duer nih…
Ada :
buy eu 1.2336 -58 pips
Ada kemungkinan naik gak yah?
buy USDCHF 1.1420 dan 1.1310 dan floating -335 & -225
Apakah pairs ini kemungkinan naik Mas, please…

USDCHF sementara masih runing sell, belum terjadi Oversold

sell AU 0.87900 tp.0.86000 sl 0.88600 moga sukses dan selamet..

ralat tp 0.86700 baru diingatkan ojo serakahhh…moga profit..ameen.

kalau saya perhatikan teman2 disini adalah Trader scalper dan Intraday,jadi hati2 untuk suggest dari trader longterm karena berbeda persepsi dan mm nya …hati2 !!!!untuk Trader Intraday,contoh:pergerakan GU rata2 per hari 200pips jadi jika kita minus sd 200pips sama dengan melawan “arus”di jalan TOLL camkan itu!!!!,ini market bener2 gila ,cobalah anda menghitung MM nya yg sederhana saja 100pips=1% dari modal kita itu patokan untuk LOT OP nya Intraday saat ini di GU,ok teknikal lainnya averaging/hedging dll bisa belajar yg penting MM aja,yg kasih sugest pake SL apalagi ditambah Lot Ratio itu yg bener,salam profit,welcome to the jungle …heuheuheu

averaging itu apa brother beben?blh terangkn kepada sy?bagaiman cara untuk hedging?blh ajarkn sy?guna indicator apa?di mana website sy bisa belajar hedging?

averaging itu apa bro?hedging nie bagaimana?blh ajar kepada sy?

boleh mas nti sy ajarin cara tarding forex….yg bagus n kontinyu profit

ok..nnt bro bg taw saya bila blh ajarkn kepada sy?ya terima kasih bro.

News Trading

Tuesday June 22, 2010

[7:00am NY Time]

CPI or Consumer Price Index is direct measurement of inflation,
which is a high impact release that could have long term effect on
CAD, it is undoubtedly a high impact release that will be the focus
of early NY trading session. Here is the forecast:

CA Core CPI m/m Forecast 0.3% Previous 0.3%

We will be focusing on the Core CPI release today and our deviation
for this release based on historical track record is 0.3%, therefore
I’ll be looking for tradable figures of 0.6% or better to SELL
USD/CAD or a 0.0% or worse to BUY USD/CAD.

USD/CAD has been strengthening on the back of China’s announcement
of ending its peg to the USD, which resulted in better outlooks for
global commodity demands. With USD/CAD heading towards parity, it
is possible to see further strength in CAD if we get a surprise
positive release.


“CPI, Consumer Price Index, is a statistical estimate of the
movement of the prices of goods and services bought for consumption
purposes by households. Its computation uses price data collected
for a sample of goods and services from a sample of sales outlets in
a sample of locations for a sample of times and estimates of the
shares of the different expenditures in the total covered by the
index which are usually based upon expenditure data obtained for
sampled periods from a sample of households(wikipedia).” It is also
known as the “True Cost of Living”.

Our focus is on the Core CPI, or CPI ex Energy and Food components,
which provides a better picture of inflation without the seasonal

[10:00am NY Time]

The plan for Existing Home Sales release from U.S. will be the
typical retracement trading method, where we’ll wait for the release
and then wait for a decent retracement before getting into a trade.
Here is the forecast for this release:

US Existing Home Sales Forecast 6.17M Previous 5.77M

Because the Housing sector is one of the most important news events
out of the US, this release will certainly cause some volatility in
the market, especially if our tradable figures (+/- 400K) were hit.
With the focus of the nation, and of the world, on the possible
recovery of U.S. housing sector, this release may bring about a
strong sentiment of risk appetite if our BUY trigger is hit…

Furthermore, with this release scheduled at 10:00am US Time, it is
the last high impact news for the NY session, we could see some
exaggerated market movements as traders may just wait for this
release to be out of the way before committing to a position.

It is also important to consider that the New Home Buyer’s credit
has ended… This number may very well be a huge disappointment,
similar to the building permits release last week, which came out at
60K less than expectation…

As usual, our deviation is the usual 400K, therefore on a release of
6.60M or better, we’ll be looking to BUY USD; on a release of 5.8M
or worse, we’ll be looking to SELL USD…


“Measures the annualized number of existing residential buildings
that were sold during the previous month. A rising trend has a
positive effect on the nation’s currency because large purchases
tend to be made by consumers that are optimistic and confident in
their financial position. The sale of a home also triggers
commissions for real estate agents, and often home owners will
purchase goods such as appliances and furniture shortly after
purchasing a home. Traders watch this report closely as it’s the
month’s first demand-side housing indicator to be released.”

bro Mbak Hilarry…saya mahu mintak tunjuk ajar saudara tentang news trading nie.boleh saudara ajar kepada sya?

Mela Pending Order Buy Stop EU di 1.2310 … jangan diikutin ya … kl ikut, nani Mela cubit loh …

orang stress maen forex???

Mulat Sariro Hangroso Weni ae bro….

yg Stress siapa, ya …???

janggan dianggap mbak mella biarin aja
namanya juga tukang tipuuu

gak koq, Mas … biarin aja, dia udah lebih dari Stress : Gila dan Bodoh ! … kita sih asik2 aja Trading … hehe …

Ra usah dilebokne ati yo cah ayu, . .


saya ikut buy stop EU di 1.2310 sudah kena
awas loh yo
kalau enggak profit tak jewer ewer ewer sampai meler

weleeeh … Maaf, Mbak … koq tiba2 ada perubahan Arah Trend … Mela udah Cut Loss 20 pips …

Sabar dunk, lose dan profit itu pake proses. tetep dukung buy EU 1.2300 target 1.2400 Tadi cuma turun dikit kan, trus sekarang masih netap di level 1.23 an.

iya, Mas … gpp tadi Loss juga, karena takut aja tiba2 turun cepet … kalo diitung2, dari yg kemaren2 jg masih Profit koq, masih ada sisa … hehe …

loose yach…???

OP saya tadi Loss … tp kl saya sih biasa2 aja Loss jg, namanya juga trading … dan saya punya system serta strategy yg harus diikuti …

tapi rasa2nya Anda ini Aneh deh … kyk yg sentimen gitu … kalo mau Trading ya Trading aja, Mas … gak usah sinis kyk gitu donk …

sama ada satu bahan masukan buat Anda juga : Tolong diperbaiki cara penulisan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris itu … bukan ‘loose’ ya, tapi Loss … kalo belum bisa bahasa Inggris, belajar dulu atau buka Kamus biar gak malu2in …

LOL, you got the point there Mela Barbie…
Bukannya saya bela Mela tapi memang tidak etis kalau udah tau orang lain loss masih ditanyakan juga.

maksudnya looser….


Prediksi pergerakan harga berdasar pengamatan teknikal pada pukul 10.00 WIB :

EURUSD : 1.2250 – 1.2455 (trend naik)

GBPUSD : 1.4700 – 1.4935 (trend naik)

AUDUSD : 0.8730 – 0.8875 (trend naik)

NZDUSD : 0.7030 – 0.7165 (trend naik)

USDJPY : 90.50 – 91.50 (trend naik)

USDCHF : 1.1020 – 1.1150 (trend turun)

USDCAD : 1.0140 – 1.0280 (trend turun)

NZDJPY : 64.00 – 65.25 (trend naik)

AUDJPY : 79.50 – 80.85 (trend naik)

EURJPY : 111.50 – 113.25 (trend naik)

GBPJPY : 133.75 – 136.35 (trend naik)

EURGBP : 0.8250 – 0.8380 (trend turun)

Waktu : 10.20 WIB


(Pending Order)

EURUSD 1.2310 – 1.2320
1.2340 1.2260
Buy GBPUSD 1.4790 – 1.4800
1.4820 1.4740
Buy EURJPY 112.00 – 112.10
112.30 111.50
Buy GBPJPY 134.70 – 134.80
135.00 134.20
TP : Taking Profit / Limit
SL : Stop Loss

Note : TP diprediksikan dapat tersentuh dalam tempo 1×24 jam. Selamat bertrading.

BUY EU td di 1.2338 ikutan mela
ampun mak….. minesnya jadi banyak
EU turun sampai berapa ya

GU dah ganti trend kayaknya untuk TF4

he he he

turun ya mas?

signal GU
BUY STOP 1.4775 TP=25p
BUY LIMIT 1.4710-20 TP=30p

smg profit…amin

jika salah satu hrg dh kena,yg lain hrp di delete

masterpip?blh mintak tunjuk ajar.bro master nie dari malaysia ka?

maaf bro deca, hanya saja pertanyaan anda semuanya pertanyaan basic…. anda berarti sangat hijau di dunia forex, SARAN saya pelajari basic2 forex dl, terutama penggunaan MM(money managemant) sesuai postingan om beben, jangan asal2an karena yg kita perdagangkan adlah uang beneran bukan uang monopoli, tapi semuanya terserah bung deca,

Sampai sore ini range GU yg terbentuk masih 84 dengan daily AVG 183. Level 1.4723 berusaha ditembus oleh candle TF H1 3 jam yang lalu, namun hanya sempat menyentuh saja. Dua candle berikutnya masih mencoba untuk menembus namun hanya berhasil melewati tanpa berhasil close dibawah support tersebut. Jika candel 1 jam in berhasil break out dan close di bawah level 1.4723, maka kemungkinan GU akan terus turun sampai ke level 1.4610 yang menjadi minor support berikutnya.

tapi lihat tren indikator tren flower masih turun tuh yang eunya lihat aja dulu bro.

kek nya bakal turun ke 1.2250 untuk eu

Kalaupun turun sepertinya nanti setelah rilease berita usd bro, tampaknya sekarang koreksi UP dlo.

BUY EU 1.2270/TP 1.2385

Salam kenal to All master Forex, mo ikutan co’oment ah, walaupun masih newbie, kali aja bisa mangpaat , boleh yahhh :

EUR/USD Sell 1.2297 TP 1.2257 SL 1.2363
GBP/USD Dell 1.4732 TP 1.4692 SL 1.4811

Moga – moga iso profit …. wkwkwkwkwkwkwk

O-Hokkk, O-Hokkk, O-Hokkk … Hat-ChiHHH ! Hat-ChiHHH ! Hat-ChiHHH !

Lah, ini teh jaba pengen Trading, jaba Batuk, jaba bersin … jaba Bau Hitut deuih …

Nah itu “Bekok Colok” trading system ….lares kang AriRese???,gimana gajahnya sudah dimandiin???heuheuheu

iya, Kang … Bekok Colok mah Ampuh pisan … tapi ttp harus hati2 juga, karena (jika salah colok) bisa jadi Busiat …

Mengikuti Aturan Kebersihan dan Keindahan Kota, Gajah sudah saya pasangin Pispot, biar Modol di mana2 … beda dgn Nini2 yg ‘hideng’ tiap pagi pergi ke MCK …

Meni Rarujit kieu Trading teh …

Dari bahasanya kayaknya saya kenal nechh siapa dia,,,,,

initeh meni raruzit beginih,halow samuanyah AAnjut baru pulang bekerja ngojeg neeeh,gimana keadaan pasar teh…pabaliut beginih ,janten bingung,mana tarohan bola eleh deuih ….jadi puciiiiing tujuh kuriling

…>>>Price Action is market movement, such as the oscillation of Open, High, Low and Close prices. Too often, traders are mesmerized by trivial price flucuations and lose sight of the underlying trend of the market. Many traders tend to jump in and out of the market instead of staying with the trade as a trend develops. Synergy is designed to eliminate price distortions. It reveals periods of market strength and trend and periods of consolidation…<<>>The Synergy Trading Method was developed by Dean Malone and is an effective Forex trading method developed to simplify trading decisions with high probability precision. It combines the market forces of Price Action, Trend, Momentum and Market Strength to produce higher probability trades. The Synergy trading method depicts…in real-time…the interaction of these market forces providing traders the means to make trading decisions with greater confidence and less emotional hassle…<<<

…>>>First backtests show that the strategy works best on the 1H or 30M timeframe with the GBPUSD, EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPJPY, USDCHF, USDJPY and CADJPY. Here are some average results:…<<<


GBPUSD: ~ 160 pips per month
EURJPY: ~ 104 pips per month
EURUSD: ~ 100 pips per month
GBPJPY: ~ 95 pips per month
USDCHF: ~ 85 pips per month
USDJPY: ~ 82 pips per month
CADJPY: ~ 75 pips per month

Jeng Umi18 boleh senyum senyum nechh GJnya udah kena TP

asyik kena tp lagi….. makasih bung putra, jangan bosan2 ngasih prediksi yach…. misal floating 300pip pun q masih tersenyum karena q tetep pakai MM, hehehe….. bravo dech buat bung putra

oiya tinggal yang eu nich yang masih berkeliaran nggak mau ke kandang, moga2 2-3 hari ini bisa masuk kandang, hehehe….

AAnjut juga menghaturka turut berbahagia buat umi yang ke 18

Lam kenal semua … happy trading

halow temAN met kenal dengan AsepAnjut,tukang ojeg merangkap tareder tea…..happy salma AAnjut mah bukan happy trading

lihat kebunku penuh dg bunga,ada yg merah dan banyak yg ijo,
setiap hari kusiram semua, SELL & BUY semuanya indah…
Perhatian 2 : US$ sdg mencari point yg pas buat terbang!!!

…..senangnya yang lagi profit,heuheuheu

tidak ada uang receh, uang besar juga boleh

tidak profit hari ini, besok juga boleh

hari ini tidak berani OP yang penting semangat, semangat semangat PROFIT

Wah top bgt ni mas iwan walaupun yg byk tumbuh bunga merah gak mslh yg penting tetap semangat…..!

Kok EU blom mau UP ya…?

…>>> Trading is like gambling, do not show your cards since those that are in the market will also not lay down their cards for you…<<>> It is a painful truth that 90% of traders lose, so what will it gain for others to make you win?
Second tip, no one else knows better than you…<<>> People tend to get or consult for advice about everything and call for an expert about your car, homemaking or do-it-yourself handiwork, but those are not a competitive or fierce market…<<>> You know or manage your risks, opportunities and advantages better than others, so rely on your wise and good judgment…<<<

buy gu tp 4840 cp 4780

alhamdulilah strategi “Kranjang PIPS” close TP 100 pips

tapi ga pake “mata” yaa broo,heuheuheu…malah urusannya jadi laen,bisa2 ditakol PM

mantabs bro Putra,

besok ditunggu sinyalnya lagi…

salam plofit,

He2x…. pelan2 ja… yg penting Profit…!

forex tuh sebenare menyenangkan teman2,buktine saya udah satu tahun trading selalu profitnya lebih besar dari lossnya setiap minggunya,yang penting min 1:500 per transaksi,ga usah rumit2,oke teman2 n sabar kuncine (salam 100point)

smua lg asyik lihat bola… udah mau nyentuh GU nya tp UP dlu ini mlorot lg…


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