Forex Gainscope
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Daily Forex Analysis and Prediction for July 3, 2009

It is more likely to go up to around 1.41.
(Current Price: 1.3989)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.65.
(Current Price: 1.6381)

It is more likely to go up to around 0.8050.
(Current Price: 0.7963)

Better to use a breakout strategy. Buy when it reaches 96.50, and Sell when it reaches 95.30.
(Current Price: 95.98)

It is more likely to go down to around 1.0750.
(Current Price: 1.0857)

Don’t be too late, and always check the Posting Time.

Beware from today news: (time is using GMT+7 / Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at

14:15 CHF
15:00 EUR
15:30 GBP
16:00 EUR
USA (USDollar) is in holiday

All the forex signals and technical analysis can be affected by the news report (fundamental)
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Hari ini US sedang libur, dan kemungkinan pasar juga bisa cenderung bergerak sideway.

Untuk lebih aman, sebaiknya jangan trade di hari ini.

Salam Sukses

Wheew, Advice nya gainscope hari ini pendek-pendek dan straight πŸ™‚

btw… Pertamaxxx…

nice gainscope

iya, karena market sebelumnya sudah turun sangat tajam, kemungkinan hari ini bisa naik

Kok GU Turun lagi ya Mas GS, Mohon sarannya Mas untuk posisi sementara saya buy, sdh los 15 pip.

met pagi GS..

agak lama yah publish forecastnya, mklm yah USA lg ‘tujuh belasan’ kl d Indonesia πŸ™‚

agree with u for uptrend in major pair,..
tp menimbang hr ne Usa off & jumat, oversold pressure can be suddenly comes by profit taking action some traders..

yahh, hemat sy market akan sideways namun ttp dlm channel uptrend πŸ˜‰

conclusion : better to scalp today πŸ™‚


watch for 96.3x on USDJPY ..
tggal seek for a clear trend + set target brdsrkan korelasinya trhdap GBP & EUR ..


klo open buy sebaiknya j. brp.. thx… G/U, E/U ?

open aja buy gu dan eu waktu malam hari..
karena sekarang ini usd lagi berkuasa, usd lagi bank holiday, jadi kuat..
aku juga tunggu malam baru buy..

langsung Buy saja Pak tadi pagi. Sebab perkiraannya akan bisa naik terus, karena habis turun tajam kemarin

waduh mana yg bener nih???

kalau prediksi kami, bisa naik terus utk G/U dan E/U.

Kalau ingin lebih safe, jangan trade di hari ini, karena terbentur masalah US Libur dan juga hari Jumat itu sering tidak menentu. Potensi sideways sangat besar.

Kalau mau scalping mungkin masih ok

Hari ini saya tidak open apa apa position coz saya masih hold buy GU dari semalam…….saya pasti GU akan naik Pak….Thank GS

belum tentu naik, karena setauku kalau ada negara yg libur banknya, maka negara itu kuat..
hari ini usd bank holiday,maka usd kuat, dan gbp siap loncat ke laut..
tapi kalau gbp perekonomiannya bagus, mgkn akan naik lumayan aja, dak banyak-banyak.. hampir berimbang..

Thx 4 ur sugest Mr Hardy…..

Tenang-tenang di tempat lain juga prediksi GU dan EU akan naik karena koreksi teknikal. Pasang buy aja sekarang

Team GS,

Follow prediction buy EU n GU but I can see no momentum to drag it as it shows like struggling to support at that price level. Mayb is still early…but by judging on the volume n momentum of the price, is advisable not to enter the market today. What do you think?

it is more likely to move slowly at today. But because of the market already down so deep in yesterday, then we predict that today it can go up .

Now , we see that it is already go up like the prediction.

For more safety, better not to trade in Friday.

Selamat Siang GS
Pak untuk prediksi GJ hari ini bagaimana pak?

GJ mengikuti GU tadi, tapi skrg udah jangan OP lagi, karena udah terlambat. tadi kalau OP di saat ikuti prediksi kami pasti akan profit di saat siang tsb


Tima kasih atas reply anda GS…saya hanya harap GU naik setakat 70 ke 80 pip , walaupun tidak lumayan namun cukup utk saya profit dan ia sudah memadai…..saya rasa insyallah dia boleh pergi sampai situ ..selewat lewatnya malam ini ….thank GS

sebaiknya jangan spekulasi yang kemarin dah profit mendingan gk trade dulu seperti saya hik hik

knapa tiba2 gu turun dratsis???

kemenyannya kurang kaleeee…

iya, karena tadi berita PMI UK nya kurang baik. Tapi tadi sudah naik cukup lumayan dan sudah profit jika trade tadi pagi sampai siang

GU ada double bottom di 1.6325..
klo di tembus, arahnya bisa turun ke 1.6250-an ga ya???

Mumpung US lg libur mendingan kita liburan juga ngilangin sters.OK

akhirnya…..turun juga GU abis ini br posisi buy. profit lagi deh πŸ™‚

Alamak….udah dua hari ni bung gs koq prediksi gbpusd meleset terus ya…!

kemarin memang meleset, tapi kemarin Pagi-pagi kan sudah kita beritahu untuk menggunakan Robot Gainscope .

Kalau hari ini benar kok. Tadi pagi sampai siang sempat naik sampai lebih dari 50 pips. (coba dicek di grafiknya dan dicocokkan dengan prediksi kami tsb)

Kalau sekarang OP yang pasti saja akan loss karena sudah terlambat masuk

turun lagi GU nya πŸ™‚ profit lgi…. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


you can download it for free at

we usually send our signals at 10am GMT+7

kira2 apa GJ bakal turun lagi??

G/J mengikuti G/U , tadi sudah naik, kemudian turun lagi karena berita GBP yang muncul tadi sore kurang bagus

mau dong profitnnya πŸ™‚

HOOLAA team ini team GS adem2 aja ya,.jgn2 hr ini ga trade jg ya,hehehe…gmana nih MASTER, ngeliat posisi GU ampe saat ini, ada prediksi tambahan ga?

yup, hari ini istirahat dulu, lanjut nanti senin dilihat lagi situasi kondisinya

G/U belum ada tambahan prediksi lagi. Tapi tadi sudah naik cukup lumayan disaat pagi sampai siang sesuai dengan prediksi. Dan kalau OP disaat itu pasti sudah Profit dan close (tapi kalau serakahnya berlebihan dan diteruskan maka akan berbalik jadi minus loh πŸ™‚ )

Risk aversion remains strong in the wake of Thursday’s disappointing U.S. employment data, pushing the dollar higher in most places in Europe Friday.

After the greater-than-expected fall in payrolls, the global economic recovery is likely to be slower and more difficult than initially anticipated, analysts say.

Sentiment, they add, was also weighed down by Thursday’s news of Ireland’s debt rating downgrade by Moody’s.

The overall fall in risk appetite depressed the euro against the Swiss franc, increasing the risk that the Swiss National Bank might intervene to push the franc lower again.

With the U.S. on holiday for Independence Day, market conditions are expected to remain thin, providing scope for increased volatility.

Initial reaction to news that U.S. payrolls had fallen by 467,000 rather than just the 350,000 that had been forecast was largely predictable as investors pulled back from risky asset markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 2.6%, high-yielding currencies were sold and the dollar and the yen rallied as investors turned to safe havens.

As Asian trading got underway, sentiment appeared to improve a little, with Asian equities proving more resilient and commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar staging a comeback. The Nikkei ended Friday down only 0.6%.

However, the prospect of a slow and bumpy recovery remained the overriding driver of market sentiment and the dollar was soon reasserting itself as the currency of choice – apart from the yen.

See chart at

News from the euro zone that the latest purchasing managers’ survey for service industries only slipped to 44.7 last month, from 44.8, instead of falling to 44.5 as expected failed to provide much help.

European stock markets were opening as much as 0.5% lower.

By around 0925 GMT, the dollar was up a tick or two at Y95.90 from Y95.85 late Thursday in New York, according to EBS.

The euro was down at $1.4002 from $1.4025 and at Y134.24 from Y134.45.

The dollar rose to CHF1.0865 from CHF1.0822. The market, however, was focused on the euro’s decline below CHF1.52, which many feel could trigger another round of intervention by the SNB. After falling to a low of CHF1.5176, the euro is now at CHF1.5210.

The pound is down at $1.6359 from $1.6402, getting little help from the U.K.’s services PMI, which fell to 51.6 from 51.7 instead of rising to 52.5 as forecast.

Eastern Europe currencies are mostly lower with the euro rising to HUF271.95 from HUF271.56 and to PLN4.3835 from PLN4.3804. The single currency is down, however, at CZK25.915 from CZK25.936.

Om GS..

Apakah kalau kita mau mendapatkan robot harus buka real account dulu di gainscope?

Betul, karena Robot Gainscope hanya cocok dijalankan di broker yang telah kami pilih cocok dan kompatibel dengan Robot kami. Bisa dimulai dengan 0.01 lot dengan minimum $250

Serta robot kami adalah gratis untuk para member kami

Thank you GS. propit lagi tadi pagi ampe siang di GU dan EU hehe. bulan juni kemarin dapet return 60% πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Ma’kasih ya…

Hi… team GS…!!!!, Tanya nih, Antara GBP/USD dengan EUR/USD ada Korelasi ga sih…???? mohon penjelasan nya…???

G/U dan E/U korelasinya sekitar 70% saja. Kecuali EUR dan CHF itu korelasinya sekitar 90%, karena mereka ibaratnya seperti cermin (EUR/USD dan USD/CHF)

team gs makasih dalam 2 minggu saya gak ada loss, cuma saya mo tanya gimana sih caranya kok prediksi dari team GS 85% tepat saya pengen tau rahasianya karena selama saya ikuti saya ga pernah loss, gimana cara analisa yang tepat… bolehkan bagi ilmunya?

kami menggunakan berbagai macam resep analisa teknikal yang kami olah sendiri, dan juga beberapa analisa yang lain. Bapak boleh mengikuti prediksi kami sebagai second opinion Bapak ya

Terima kasih


tidak akan naik..
karena negara yg ada banknya libur, maka dia akan kuat melawan yg lain..
seharusnya memang usd lemah hari ini, tapi karena dia lagi tutup bank, jadi bisa tenang-tenang dan aman..
berikutnya hari senin, dia akan bangkrut karena tutup seharian..
nanti jam 4 kurang 10 menit, anda boleh buy..
hari senin pagi akan terhadi gap naik…

Jumat pagi sampai siang kemarin sudah naik, dan kemudian turun . Untuk kapan naik lagi silahkan ditunggu di analisa berikutnya ya πŸ™‚

Terima kasih GAIN SCOPE,

Semantara ini saya hanya sebagai pemantau sambil belajar

dulu ya. Semoga Gain Scope tetap Jaya.

Terima kasih Bapak πŸ™‚

Salam sukses

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