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Daily Forex Analysis and Predictions for April 5, 2010

It is more likely to go down to around 1.3450, But better to find the best price to enter Sell, may be after it reach around 1.3540.
(Current Price: 1.3500)

It is more likely to go down to around 1.5150, But better to find the best price to enter Sell, may be after it reach around 1.5240.
(Current Price: 1.5204)

It is more likely to go down to around 0.9140 or even 0.91, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 0.92.
(Current Price: 0.9187)

It is more likely to go down to around 94.20, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 95.
(Current Price: 94.58)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.0670 or may be 1.07, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.06.
(Current Price: 1.0610)

Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update.

FOREX NEWS . Beware from the today news: (GMT+7 / Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at
21:00 USD
(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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salut prediksi sdh keluar, semoga sesuai dan selamat sampai tujuan

ijin sedoooot suhu babypips
salam ijo royo-royo..

salam Bung babypipskiller,

mau minta saran nya bung babypipskiller ni, apakah sudah saatnya Buy bua GU dan EU? tenkyu Bung..

memang mantaps GU +60 pips. nuhun pisan

sekarang hajar sell di resistance 1.5310, kita lihat sampai besok

Pagi semua..Sell EU 1.3533 tp. 50, Sell GU 1.5278 tp. 70

setuju mbah saritem,
pokok nya sell..

saya juga dah paasng ranjau drtadi pagi di harga gk jauh2
dr post nya mbah saritem

ijo royo-royo pokok e..

masih floating nih GU nya

indi anak Gaul
Buy EU 1.3535 TP 1.3600 SL 1.3450
Salam *0274*

kata mas putra jumat kemarin”pokoknya dollar menguat”
kok sekarang buy?

soalnya hari ini EROPA lagi Bank Holiday biasanya cukup kuat menahan tekanan $.

mas babypips dah sembuh belum yah,
ditunggu prediksi nya,

EU sudah sa’atnya di panen, GU bentar lagi…

semakin hari..semakin sepi…jadi ga semangat..

ijin gabung, br belajar….. eu turunnya ampe brp master… floating minus nih….

sabar mas ya..bentar lg juga naik kok..

Salam profit,
Cak, untuk EU masih down trend.
S1 trend besar masih di 1.3091,
S2 trend besar masih di 1.2457.
Dan agar tidak kena call margin, agar yang dimainkan untuk posisi sell jangan lebih dari 20%. insya allah yang floating sell akan close dg warna ijo.

Untuk kapannya nyampe di titik itu mestinya suhu babys ahlinya.

Adhem Ayem Ae Ker.

Iya sepi, masih pada liburan kayanya master.hehe….

tenang mbah saritem,
saya masi disini

EU sudah tak amankan dulu,
nunggu GU panen juga..

trz koreksi sesuai sinyal nya mas babypipskiller..

salam ijo royo-royo

Suwun mbah saritem, suwun om babypips, suwun para master semua… dikit dikit lama lama jd bukit
besk lagi ya para master

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