Forex Gainscope
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Daily Forex Analysis and Predictions for Oct 13, 2009

It is more likely to go up to around 1.48, but before it goes up, please beware of the potentially to go down first at around 1.47.
(Current Price: 1.4771)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.5850, but before it goes up, please beware of the potentially to go down first at around 1.5720.
(Current Price: 1.5774)

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It is complicated, and may be it would move zig zag. Or goes up to around 90.
(Current Price: 89.86)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.0380, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.0250.
(Current Price: 1.0267)

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Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update.

Beware from today news: (time is using GMT+7 / Indonesia – Jakarta Time)
(see your time conversion at

13:45 EUR
14:15 CHF
15:30 GBP
16:00 EUR
20:00 GBP
(beware of the news revision)

Forex signals and technical analysis can be affected by the news report (fundamental)

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In my opinion good forex means good anticipation. Even if you want short term profits or long term profits you need consistency.

A good Forex robot or signal program needs over 70-80% success rate and it has to be very easy to understand. For best results you need to follow the basic rules of trading or otherwise you end up with no money at all.

From my experience I’ve seen that big fluctuations can happen in the market, so you’ll have to know when to stop.

bisa GU naik pak..kuasa menaik pula.. turunnya udah pudar

Sudah cukup pak ,GU nya “terbang” dari S1 ke R1 , salam profit,besok lagi dilanjutkan

GS mana prediksinya ? dan yg lain bagaimana ? Thanks

Hari ini kok belum ada yang sampaikan prediksinya ? Kamana way atu ? Bisa ketinggalan saya !?

teman-teman aku mau nanya..
aku kan pengguna signal forex gainscope…
nah mengenai signal yg kemarin tanggal 13oktober 2009 disitu dikatakan sell GU jam 15.00WIB…
nah pada saat itu GU naik sampai saat ini..
tapi di laporan signal dan screen shotnya kok dikatakan turun…
nah disini sangat jelas perbedaan laporan dan kenyataan yg terjadi…
pertanyaan aku adalah apakah ini kesalahan penulisan laporan atau emang disengaja?
mohon pencerahan dari teman-teman..

Jangan lupa dilihat jamnya, dan juga signal by time yang di itu adalah untuk digabungkan dengan penggunaan robot kami, dan sebaiknya bukan untuk trading manual.

Kalau yang untuk trade manual ada di ini

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