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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for Nov 12, 2010

It is more likely to go down to around 1.3620 or 1.36, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.37.
(Current Price: 1.3657)

It is more likely to go down to around 1.6050, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.6150.
(Current Price: 1.6102)

It is more likely to go down to around 0.9930, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.0040.
(Current Price: 0.9972)

It is more likely to go up to around 82.80 or 83, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 82.
(Current Price: 82.58)

It is more likely to go up to around 0.9790 or 0.98, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 0.97.
(Current Price: 0.9768)

Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update

Always remember that risk management is more important than the predictions !

FOREX NEWS. Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia-Jakarta Time)

(See your time conversion at

Important Forex News Schedule:
07:01 GBP
13:30 EUR
14:00 EUR
16:00 EUR
17:00 EUR
21:55 USD

(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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Pagi semua, semoga hari ini seindah hari kemaren,atau insyaAllah lebih indah lg.

Met pagi jg…Semoga hari ini lbh baik jg…soalnya kmaren ak habis dihajar GBP/USD….hiksss…hikss..

prefer to hold buy, wied!
happy trading!

lumayan kan 20 pips dapet!

posisi skg GU n EU strateginya gmana bung tegyss?
buy kah?

GU prefer to hold buy, cek kemungkinan harga terendah berapa, ambil aksi buy klo profit dirasa cukup langsung close..tapi tetap ambil buy!.untuk EU sell diposisi berapa pun semoga bisa kejemput klo tidak hari ini ya senin.karena TF D1 masih strong sell!

sep bro GU,take profit secukupnya..

Sorry for GU prediction! kacau balau !

Gile bener yang pada panen EU……….ck ck ck!

iya pagi2 dah panen EU euy…hehe

Alhamdulillah, udah sarapan pagi 81 pips, off dulu ah, ntar sesi Eropa n Amrik lg. Sharing buat sohib semua, coba stand by pagi2 antara open market Sidney dan Tokyo, antara jam 5 smp 8 pg. Klu jelimet, kita bisa memanfaatkan pergerakan harga apakah Buy atau Sell, tergantung kondisi market yg sdg berlangsung, tp jangan pasang TP gede2, cukup 20-30 pips aja, insyaAllah bisa buat sarapan pagi dan nambah motivasi utk trading sesi sore dan malamnya. Oke…

akurrrrrr! bung taifik waktunya ngopi sambil menikmati indahnya pagi!

@ si thole.kemana nih? lama gak nongol!

sorry bang!, tidak bermaksud menghina, saya salah ketik nama anda……ampun bang!

masih ada om…bertapa dulu lon saatnya turun gunung..hik hik hik…

Yah, betul juga tuh….

Numpang tanya Gan…
Kalo untuk handphone biar bisa menggunakan metatrader plus robotnya apa spesifikasinya?
Apa bisa menggunakan yang berbasis mobile windows 6.1? Ato apa bisa juga dengan android..?
Terima kasih sebelumnya….

harus menggunakan yang basisnya Windows 🙂

HP tidak bisa untuk menjalankan robot

SELL GBPUSD 1.6095 TARGET 1.6000 STOP LOSS 1.6195

wah malah naik om….

sptnya mau ke 16150….

Manteup master, saya baru buka dilihat udah kesentuh di 1.6050,hehe…..

kira-kira GU akan jatuh nyampe mana neh?? soalnya saya baru pemula …. mohon bimbingannya !!!!!!!!!!

Dear Friends,

AUDUSD (Still hold Yesterday SOLD)
I was add another SELL at 1.0000
Target 0.9900

Still hold Yesterday SOLD & move target at 1.5895
I was add another SELL at 1.6130 with target 1.6020

Lucky me, I’m closed BUY trade with profit before the price drop. Today I stand aside. 1.3600 & 1.3500 is a strong support.

Cut loss 40 pips
I will make a new BUY around 0.8402
Target 0.8800

I will BUY around 81.70, stop 81.40
Target 84.00

How about GU frenz? TQ


untuk GU kira-kira gimana bung dzur??

apakah bisa sampe ke 6050 sebelum naik lagi ke atas?


mr Dzhur how about it still valid to buy EU?

I will BUY around 1.3535
Target 1.3700

Then SELL around 1.3760
Target 1.3350

smoga target kejemput.

akhirnya target dapet…panen EU,,,ayo turun terus…

Target met



Still hold SELL
as above post

I will BUY around 1.3535
Target 1.3700

Then SELL around 1.3760
Target 1.3350

bro dzhur itu prediksi harian ya? (newbie banget,turun ato naik dikit langsung ketar ketir nih)


News Prelim GDP Jerman negatif, begitu EU naik menyentuh Bolinger Band atas di level 1.3620, dgn mantap saya open sell, TP 1.3590, nyentuh deh. Di level 1.3680, harga berbalik arah. Sebaiknya nahan diri dulu (Off), sy kira harga akan side way di S1 sampai nanti malam jam 8.55 news (USD) Prelim UoM Consumer Sentiment. Mnrt analisa dr Daily FX, klu news ini hijau EU akan meluncur ke zona 1.3500, apalagi secara fundamental dr Eropah masalah hutang Irlandia menjadi biang kerok jatuhnya EU.
Just opinion

Thanks Bro…

I will BUY around 0.8455
Target 0.8545

Target met at 1.6020 (1 lot closed)
Still hold 1 lot for target at 1.5895

I was BOUGHT at 80.75

BOUGHT at 81.75


I will SELL again around 0.9950, Stop 1.0050
Target 0.9800

I will add another SELL around 1.6090, stop 1.6185
Target 1.5965

Close SELL with profit
Trend now Neutral

nice signal in EU….
semoga profit…
thanks a lot bung dzhur

Euro Benefits From Talks of EU Bailout
CLOSE SELL with profit

I will BUY at 1.3660, stop 1.3600
Target at 1.3800

I will SELL around 0.9960
Target at 0.9700

Gu masih bertengger dibias netral dr kemarin…, 6170, adlh resistance, 6081 support…, om Zhur kr2 GU mau kemana nih? Up atw down

My 1st target already met

Dear Para Master and Sr,

Sorry to interupt, saya hanya mau bertanya, dmn saya bisa memulai membuka account yg mini ( mini account ), untuk bisa medalami trading forex. yang kira2 proses deposit dan withdraw tdk ribet dan cukup bagus untuk pemula seperti saya.., trima kasih dan maaf mengganggu diskusi pagi ini…

buka account lewat om GS ini aja bro..ada robot om GS lagi!!..hehehe

salam profit deh!!

Klo nanyanya di forum ini ya pasti jawabnya ya main aja di GAINSCOPE!
he he he!
cicak cicak di dinding, just kidding, bro!
gogling dong!

GAINSCOPE bisa membantu anda dengan panduan berbahasa Indonesia, dengan broker oke -FXDD Malta. Anda jg bisa mencoba mendaftar di, sama ada panduan bahasa Indonesia dan brokernya bagus . Kedua broker ini adalah broker besar dan bagus.

Bisa di kami Pak , melalui

Terima kasih

such a great signals making a new value and inspires me again to re-think about my trading strategies

kang beben gimana kabarnnya kang obot nih…

aman terkendali,biasakan amati market setelah Sholat subuh,OP yg paling aman di Pivot(10pips +/-),Insya Allah 99,9% profit,sampai saat ini belum pernah gagal,jgn lupa margin level awal minimal 10000(robot)selamat mencoba,salam profit….heuheuheu

if big guys entering this is the party time go ahead and play pin bar support/resistance strategy who waits for this for life time… dont make killi…

ehmmmmmmmmmmm! I see. thx for the info!

We all should remember the number one rule in currency trading:____Make resistance support______Make Support resistance…

Other wise we all loss together…

Talking about EURUSD && AUDUSD hedging with EURCAD…


please get lucky

BUY @ 0.9920
TP @ 0.1.0000
SL @ 0.9880

SELL @1.0060
TP. @0.9980
SL. @1.0100


Prediksi sampai tutup market tetap Buy atau sell ya ? ada yang bisa kasih saran & masukan ? just share …

EU mantap….OP berkali-kali lumayan 20 Pip

Hari ini terang banget walau dikit mendung top markotop deh
bung Gu

BUY @ 1.3550
TP @ 1.3625
SL @ 1.3510 Profits: 37 Point

SELL @ 1.3750
TP @ 1.3680
SL @ 1.3790 Profits: 68 point

BUY @ 1.3550
TP @ 1.3625
SL @ 1.3510 Profits: 30 Point

SELL @ 1.3750
TP @ 1.3680
SL @ 1.3790 Profits: 32 point sdang bejalan no close till the end tp


seminggu yg menyenangkan..
thx a lot buat bung dzhur n tegyss and GS!
for info n signal…

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