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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for November 3, 2010

It is more likely to go up to around 1.4070 or may be 1.41, and after that, it might have potentially to go down lower than 1.40.
(Current Price: 1.4034)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.6070 or 1.61, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.59.
(Current Price: 1.6026)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.0030, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 0.99
(Current Price: 0.9986)

No Comment

It is more likely to go down to around 0.9750, and after that, it might have potentially to go up higher than 0.98.
(Current Price: 0.9788)

Don’t be too late, and always check the posting time/update

Always remember that risk management is more important than the predictions !

FOREX NEWS. Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia-Jakarta Time)

(See your time conversion at

05:30 AUD
07:30 AUD
15:15 CHF
16:30 GBP
19:15 USD
21:00 USD
23:15 CHF

(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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[…] HARIAN pada tanggal 3 November 2010. 01:52 GMT +7. Komentar (6) | Trackbacks […]


saya baru pertama terjun ke dunia ini.
tolong bantuannya…
apa yang harus saya lakukan sebelum melakukan sell or buy?
saya banyak lihat di koment pada profit semua.
tolong bantuannya ya…

ya klo profit pasti koment-lah….

tapi klo loss ya ngapain koment…
ntar jadi ajang curhat donk….

Selamat datang didunia yg tidak pasti…

biasanya bareng nyus au langsung wess..wesss.wesss bablas angine..kali ini malu-malu kuciang…hik hik hik…

Selamat jumpa lagi bang thole…lama gak muncul………. kangen sama hik hik nya!
Happy trading!

bertapa dulu bro..beberapa kali kena sentop loss…hik hik hik…

para master, bagaimana prediksi au nih, highnya berapa nih, kok belum juga turun, kapan ya kira-kira au bisa kembali lagi pulang kandang ke 0,9223,

AUDUSD; kondisi pergerakan sideway antara 0.9973 s/d 1.0015, disini kita kalau mau aman main sell TP 10 – 20 pip
andaikata loncatpun dia akan turun,
karena sudah membuat rekor tertinggi baru;

Dear friends,

EURUSD is breaking the triangle to the upside. It may retrace back towards 1.4000 to test the breakout but the bias is now confirmed to be up. Watch 14085.
BUT if this pair drops below 1.3950, it turn to bearish. So that’s mean yesterday was ‘false brake’. Today, it better to wait FED decision before enter the market.

For those who are already SELL, please close when you got profit.

Federal Open Market Committee Interest Rate Decision (FOMC)
Start: Wed, Nov 3 2010, 18:00 GMT
End: Wed, Nov 3 2010, 19:00 GMT

Yesterday RBA was surprise but today will the FOMC?
From my view, whatever happens with FED, if dollar for any reason is set to strengthen, gains against Aussie will be limited and temporal, while European currencies could extend the fall.

I will BUY around 0.9915
Target 1.0080

Maybe no…
Maybe Yes…

why above question answer with question???
sell or buy?
buy or sell?

Unanswered… hiks… 🙁

aduh pigimana yeach…skrg ini di otak cuman kepikir ngesell gu eu au …susah bangat mau mikirin buy..kayanya perlu disetrum ni batere ogut hik hik hik…


If this happen, what does it mean.
If not happen, what does it mean.

Then you have option,
Whether you want to BUY or SELL

my name is samuel,i am a new trader.i can i get signals on when to buy/sell

Sorry bro..
Today, it better to wait FED decision before enter the market.

bro dhzur… sambil nungu news…
bole bagi2 ilmu nya??
metode trading nya n strategy nya?


thank you Mr. Dzhur+oom GS,your predictions are really fantastic

Aud, kembali plg kandang ke 0.9223, kapan ya, udah 800 poin tuh. Klu marginnya kuat tunggu aja, tp feeling saya trend Aud ke depannya…1.000, dst

AU emang kenyal bro..sesuai banget ama namanya au=asam urat..hik hik hik…gu=gegar umat..

SELL AUDUSD 0.9970 TARGET 0.9870 STOP LOSS 1.0070

Ini yang gw suka! To the point! No pain no gain! High risk high return, no risk, no return!
Selalu optimis ,bro!

para senior mau nanya ni:
kalo minor buy or exit sell artinya apa ya?
atw kebalikannya: minor sell or exit buy

makasih sebelumnya

Mantap, GS sesuai prediksi…..

Om GS,saya mau tanya apakah TS akan berfungsi bila komputer mati. Makasih bantuannya.

Tidak bisa Pak

GU turun terus ya.
gak usah pake naik2 lagi.

semoga cepat kembali turunnnn…..

Harap waspada kemungkinan breakhigh, besok pun masih lanjut cek target weekly!
Inget pake lot sewajarnya, gak usah gemuk gemuk secukupnya aja

Happy trading!

“Authorize to all men be au fait how unpopulated and trashy is the power of kings,” Canute said, “in the interest there is not anyone substantial of the reputation, but He whom happiness, mother planet and at sixes do away unalterable laws.
ubezpieczenie zdrowotne
Over the weekend I disclose two articles yon the problems with the Massachusetts health provide fitting for system.

Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts plan, the failures in Massachusetts are a vanguard of things to come. I unusually like the relieve article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I think he reads my blog).

If you assume present my matrix posts, there is nothing up to epoch in these reports. The Massachusetts plan, which includes an Obama-like surety mandate, has increased the divers of insured, at bottom among shape junior adults. Albeit, it has also resulted in crowded threat rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Captivated lobbying efforts be struck nigh blocked politicians from insensitive fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs observe resulted in higher assurance premiums which parsimonious companies can no longer afford, ubezpieczenie zdrowotne cardinal to patients being dumped into the state system. The body, already in the throes of a recess, be compelled against with these increased costs.

The government is attempting to limit deposit premiums by means of fiat, but in the seek can at most preponderate in the offhand sitting, and hand down at long last be unsuccessful. For good single-payer/government takeover last wishes as be the at most appropriate surrogate, which I mould choice and testament talk over later. The broken revealed of events is surely equivalent to the working I hold in the past outlined in upset of Obamacare.

No condition how esteemed the underlying aim, facts in fact on the whole prevails. This will also be the piece of topics I compel be lovely up in the next just weeks. I pass on be examining in cleverness the crash of Mass, drugs, hooch, ferociousness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and go to direct a conversation all all over what r“le insulting guilt should give in healthcare. I will also be examining an formidable and once upon a time in a unhappy moon discussed complexion of American healthcare the surprising amount of resources, experience and high-strung vigour Americans give to valueless or disinterested condition practices, what I command label the situation of illusion in healthcare. More to come.

ngomong opo to mas? mbok yang jelas gt loh,,ga jelas blas maksud sampeyan

whuwasss ra mudeng blas ngebak ngebaki tok , Buy eu wae target 6160 ,

bau2 nya barusan MC makanya ngadat nieh!

sell GU dah ngandang.
antri sell lagi,sapa tau ntar malem ke jemput.

saben sell ato buy neng resistant2 karo suport2 tp 50 gampang ra sah rumit2,fundamental good ato kaga ra masalah asal kaya tadi buy sell nya minimalnya…ra sah bahasa sing duwur2 he he…

setuju dab,rasah digawe mumet2.
arep GU ne munggah opo medun ra masalah,sing penting propit

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