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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for October 1, 2010

It is more likely to go up to around 1.3660 or may be 1.37, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to below 1.36.
(Current Price: 1.3628)

It is more likely to go up to around 1.58 or higher, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.57 or lower.
(Current Price: 1.5709)

It is more likely to go up to around 0.9730, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 0.96.
(Current Price: 0.9663)

It is more likely to go down to around 83, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 84.
(Current Price: 83.48)

It is more likely to go down to aorund 0.98 or 0.9770, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 0.9870.
(Current Price: 0.9829)

Don’t be to late, and always check the posting time/update

Always remember that risk management is more important than the predictions !

FOREX NEWS. Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia-Jakarta Time)

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Important News Schedule

06:30 JPY
13:00 EUR
13:30 AUD
14:15 CHF
15:00 EUR
15:30 GBP
16:00 EUR
19:30 USD
21:00 USD 

(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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Pagi yang cerah bro …saya sudah Buy 1.5700 (Robot),Lot ratio 0,01Lot/500usd ,setting yg lainnya default saja,mau pemanasan dulu Mang Robot nya,saya mau jalan pagi dulu….salam profit,heuheuheu

Buy GU 1.5710 (RoboT) maksudnya,salah ngetik heuheuheu

salam,,,,koyok nya ari ni gu akan naik sampai .5800 waspadalah

Second Opini !!!
Buy AUDCHF 0.9520 Target Profit 0.9600 Stop Loss 0.9420
Happy ur Trading !!!!

Salam hangat…

Mohon saran, saya ada minus GJ di 134.16, Apa mungkin naik ke situ ya…?! Please Master….!

Matur nuwun

saran bro..laen kali apapun analisanya sebaiknya mk SL,uangnya syg kl brani hold tapi ngga jelas arahnya.

Tak akan naik dalam masa terdekat ini.

Dear Friends,

Current corrective movement could extend towards 1.5770 price zone, thus gains above 1.5800/10 are not see for today.
SELL around 1.5770
1st Target 1.5660
2nd Target 1.5610
Long Term Target 1.5450

SELL around 131.70
1st Target 128.70
2nd Target 128.00

what about EU?
thanks a lot

Sorry…. I still wait a clear signal.
The prospects for a reversal are entirely contingent on a daily close below Thursday’s low.
Markets to Look Past Euro Data, All Eyes on US Manufacturing Report.

SELL around 1.3745, Stop 1.3845
1st Target 1.3660
2nd Target 1.3560

kay, i follow. terima kasih dzhur, semalam sudah profit. moga hari ini sama. semoga tuhan balas jasa mu.

Syukur pada Tuhan

This pair above 1.5810 level. Quotes have just crossed up the 20 and are just bellow 50 EMA on the 1 hour chart, indicating bullish impulse. The value of the RSI indicator is positive and climbing, MACD is negative and inclining upwards, while CCI has crossed up the 100 line on the 1 hour chart, giving overall long signals.

Buy around 1.5830 to lock loss SELL @ 1.5770
Target 1.5920

Close SEL with profit.
This pair broke 131.95 resistance.
Stand aside for now, wait a clear signal to enter SELL again.

I will take the risk to Close BUY now.
RSI now below 70 & Stochastic show ready to go down.

Close SELL with profit & stand aside.

LOCK again
BUY @ 1.5795

GU buy..

GU buy at.. 1.5725 target 1.5775

WOW! Kaget jg sy melihat koreksi pd GU meskipun sdh memprediksi sebelumnya. Sy sebetulnya bkn mengkawatirkan news tp tindakan profit taking yg akan dilakukan akhir minggu. Tp rupanya para pelaku menggunakan momentum news tersebut utk melakukan tindakan profit taking. News tdk terlalu bereaksi terhdp EU maupun AU.

Untung sempat antisipasi dgn merubah TS dan SL menjadi 85 pips sebelum matikan laptop. Semua OP sdh closed. Lumayan 1,3 ton masih masuk dan target harian 1 kwintal masih dapet.

Untuk sementara sy tdk trade dulu utk melakukan analisa.

gara2″tuyul” tah…,malem jumat tea,heuheuheu

Untuk EU hari ini :

Trading range: 1.3645 – 1.3710
Trend: Upward
Buy at 1.3656 SL 1.3626 TP 1.3696

Sekedar ikutan komen. GU sudah bergerak dibawah tren line. Ada kemungkinan koreksi masih berlangsung atau ditunggu sampai GU cross diatas lagi.

Cukup pemanasan 60 pips Mang Obot,sekarang saya Sell GU 1.5770 sesuai sinyal GS …..heuheuheu

Akhirnnya close profit juga Mang Obot,sesi 2 selesai,nyantey dulu ….heuheuheu

robot pandaku juga dapat 20% pagi tadi…

salam, gi mana semua master hari nie?.

skrg pair mana yg sesuai utk trade? news pun banyak hari ini. terima kasih.

gu sudah boleh sell ke belom ni pak?

i’m a new comer…

Rasanya saat ini belum ada signal untuk sell GU…

kalosalh mohon maap

baru brani sell jika sudah menyentuh 1.5900-an

EU GU bikin ulah lagi.

pasang jaring sell di 5881.ddah tunggu ampe besok pagi.
mudah2an dapet ikan kakap.

saya kok sering buntung yah pakai robot gs selalu sampai level 7, n terpaksa cut lose, profit konsisten memang benar tetapi jika terjadi samapi level 7 n cut lose so amblas semua profit yg didapat robot, seharusnya saya usul forum ini lebah banyak bahas trik jitu setting tepat n tetek bengeknya kapan mulai masuk market pakai robot gs, tp kok forum ini manual terus yah bahasnya… kelebihan gainscope kan robot gsnya klo prediksi gs banyaklah diluar sana yang buat prediksi2 macam inih….

ini nih,,,,waktu download robot ada tulisan WAJIB DIBACA buku panduannya ga dilakuin,,tanggung sendiri akibatnya..

Kuncinya di entry point, Lot ratio ,juga pola perkiraan pergerakan harga,kalau asal mah bisa buntung (saya juga pernah ngalamin),Robot GS buat saya adalah salah satu”strategi”Trading,bila range pergerakanya rendah saya juga manual/atau pake ea scalper,semoga membantu….heuheuheu

kok forumny gak meriah kyk dl pd kemana nih trader2ny? yg mau sell EU mesti hati2 sbb bank central asia mengalihkan dolarny ke euro. ada kemungkinan EU akan nyentuh 138… aku dah OP sell 13730 yg penting tetep jaga MM

para master , minta advisnya nich…. GU bisa nembus angka berapa nich….?

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