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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for September 15, 2010

After from around 1.2960 or lower, then it is more likely to go up to around 1.3020, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.29.
(Current Price: 1.2991)

After from around 1.55, then it is more likely to go up to around 1.5550 or may be 1.56, and after that, it will go down to around 1.55 or lower.
(Current Price: 1.5532)

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It is more likely to go down to around 82.60 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to arond 83.30.
(Current Price: 83.04)

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Don’t be to late, and always check the posting time/update

Always remember that risk management is more important than the predictions !

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Last Night I posted:-

SSI has just flipped to net-short as short positions up 16% overnight, longs down 11%.
The price rallies should limit below 1.5600
Sell around 1.5580
Target 100-200 pips

A move above 1.2920 seems a foregone conclusion at this point. The question is whether or not 1.2590 will be put to test or not before a test of 1.3333. The rally from 12590 certainly appears corrective, but a complex corrective rally could exceed 13333 as well. Watch for resistance at 1.3060. The price rallies should limit below 1.3060
Sell around 1.3045
Target 100-200 pips”

Still Holding Sell @ 1.5880

Market didn’t touch my Sell Limit.

U.S. DOLLAR INDEX: Down 0.86% today to 81.211, a level it has not closed below since August 10.

SSI Ratio at its Most Extreme Since it Traded to 1.50 ? Sentiment Warns of Further Gains,
but it won’t be a one way street and may take awhile.

For those who sell, put stop loss @ 1.5560

Cep Dzhur,
It would be more ideal if you give a sign, when the market will turn up, by giving a clear price. Also for all you post next. So, our jama’ah who followed your prediction does not have to ‘tebak tebak buah manggis’. If it happens mistaken click, then they will be ‘meringis’.

Jayalah mang robot . . TETAP SEMANGAT !!!!
heu heu heu

Jiahahahahahah……. aya aya wae abah…..

Lieur pan, mun disuguh saur walanda wae.
Naha atuh teu langsung we . . . peser di dieu . . ical didinya . . . tah kitu, jadi batur teu kudu bengong heula.

Kumaha kang Beben, geus panen ? heu heu heu

Alhamdulillah abah sessi 1 2%,sessi 2nuju floating 3%,keun sina close sendiri Mang Robotna,hatur lumayan 5% sadinten ge….heuheuheu

Terima kasih Abah,


I will try to give my best but I can’t guarantee what will exactly happen. Sometimes the price didn’t touch the price given at all & Sometimes data market green but the price swing side way. So, the best ways, if got profit just close.

Also, I not always monitor the market all the time. So, sometimes I don’t know the market was turned up. So, the best ways, if got profit just close.

Maaf di atas kekurangan diri ini.


Reversal running out of steam at intra-day trend line, still looking for a test of range bottom at 1.0100

Sell @ 1.0300 (1 target met & 1 still hold for 2nd target)
1st target @ 1.0250 (target met)
2nd target @ 1.0150

Above the 20-Day SMA for the first time since 8/10, leaves 109.58-9/3 high as next barrier, followed by 110.00

Buy on dips
1st target @ 109.50
2nd target @ 110.00

For those who are bought on dips on September 13th, you can keep holding.
Today the market might be breaking the resistance 84.50.
I was bought @ 83.70

I was bought @ 107.80 & keep holding to 1st target.

The problem with intervention by Bank of Japan is they do not have the backing of either the US or the Europeans, and going it alone would prove expensive and perhaps fruitless. Currently the Japanese have near record foreign reserves of $1.070T, which would seem to prove that their currency, like the Yuan, has been too cheap allowing their exporters to flood the world with less expensive products. Is it any wonder other developed countries are unwilling to restore Japans competitive advantage with a cheaper yen. As the yen grinds to ever higher ground, there is not doubt that the Japanese economy will eventually suffer. With the Japanese PM hastily learning basic economic theories, it does not appear there will be dynamic leadership from that government. Sometimes the cure for high prices is high prices. Maybe Milton Friedman has the right approach. The market will find better solutions than the bumblers at the top.

1st target @ 109.50 (target met)

Resistance 84.50 is broken
Target should be 50-150 pips
For a Long trade, target might be reach near 88.00 level

Still holding to 2nd Target

The market brake resistance 1.3005
I will close my sell @ 1.3000 when the market drops for a while.
Then I will reenter Sell around 1.3060

2nd target @ 110.00 (target met)

What is GJ trend for today my friend? Went short @ 131…Floating minus 50 pips already…phewwwwwwww what a mess………………..arghhhhhhhhhh

Dear Friend,

Better close when got profit.
Sorry… I’m didn’t get a clear signal this pair.
UK & Japan got a bad record.

Sell @ 133.00, Target 131.20

Exit Sell @ 133.00

Reenter Sell @ 133.65
Target @ 131.45

how about news for GU >> Claimant Count Change??

mas dzhur..

Dear Friend,

GU still pressure to the down side.
For safety, you can close when you got profit. Now GU moves more than 100 pips already.

UK Claimant Count Change (-3.0K expected) – This report is a bit patchy, but with UK news really pushing GU extra hard lately, I’d give it a fair chance. Usually a 10K trigger is good on this, but you need agreement from the two unemployment rates (ILO 7.8% expected, and Claimant Count Rate 4.5% expected) usually to make the move a good retracement opportunity. Keep in mind that all of these numbers are a bit backwards, meaning high numbers are bad for GBP (more unemployed) and low numbers are good for GBP (less unemployed).
If it comes out at 7K or higher, GU should sell off about 40 pips.
If it comes out at -13K or lower, GU should rally about 40 pips.

For me, in the bigger picture GU still down trend. It might be drawn to 1.4900 level.
But it’s not recommended to hold short to long because anything can be change.

The market break static resistance @ 1.5600 sleds me to change bias to bullish position
Next target should 1.5700

Major downtrend are expired For those who are sell @ 1.5680, cut loss now.


Buying opportunity.
Levels to consider buying on a dip are from 84.55 – 84.05.

T1 = 87.00
T2 = 87.48

Sell @ 111.80
Target @ 110.00

tadi cuma lihat bentar chart GU. ancang-ancang turun dulu dikit, abis itu naik setelah itu turun lagi, maaf kalau salah..

bung fx newbie, kalau EU gimana? pemantauannya berdasarkan indi apa ya? Kenapa kadang ada doji tapi tidak reversal chartnya?

Thanks sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk komen di forum meskipun sudah gantung pedang.

kl sudah gantung pedang tp masih komen brati “pedangnya bergelantungan” xixixi,,memang cintaku pada forex tidak akan berubah..wkwkwk..

Saya mah lagi males mikir,pake Kang Robot lagi aja Sell di 1.5480…tariiiiiiik mang,heuheuheu

Ohh indahnya forex….
ngumpulin 1-2 point, begitu kena floating ratusan point.
EU, turun donk sayang… come to papa

Floating Loss adalah”profit”yg tertunda……katanya(ngehibur diri),heuheuheu…..tetap semangat

Atau…. Margin Call yang tertunda… heuheuheu…. (mahap… mahap…. canda…)

Support 1.2980 is broken
Next support 1.2920 will be test (Yesterday was resistance)

Keep posting BRo….
posting anda Mantaa…aappp>>>>>…!!!!!

But if the market stay above 1.2980
It will test 1.3030

Kebiasaan buruk di forex.. kalau profit 60 – 100 pips didiemin… trus harga balik… pas lost 50 pips baru di closed…. hihihihih…..

Tinggalkan kebiasaan buruk, tradinglah yg aman, manfaatkan trailing stop atau pindahkan SL secara manual. Don’t let winning change to be loss.

ayo GU turun dikit lg dunk.
postingan kemaren masih flotingan nih.

Jepang melakukan intervensi pasar forex, USD/JPY melesat naik tanpa koreksi, kemungkinan bisa sampai 85,20. Iso bener iso luput

ada yang di AU ga neh.. lagi floaning minus berjubel. neh.. kira-kira mau turun ga neh. mohon para master pencerahannya.

emang aussie sell di posisi berapa aj?
klo lihat data fundamentalnya sih, td home sales-nya jelek
jd ada koreksi pagi ini…
tp secara major trend sih masih kuat naik
klo ada bawahan, mending dihedging dl aj, itung buat nambah margin klo market cb naik lagi…
untuk range asia pagi ini sih, sepertinya udah cukup besar…
tp gak tau untuk nanti siang saat europe session…

wah berjubel neh boss.
1. 8977
2. 8975
3. 9050
4. 9378

hmmm,,agak “gawat”..kl margin masih mumpuni tahan dulu.ausie akan koreksi kebawah dulu.lg solid sell.lalu dibawah hedge buy 2.turun lagi hedge buy 2 lagi.sementara itu dulu.tunggu esok lagi.

margin level tinggal 340 % gimana yach.. apa yang harus ane lakuin neh.. buat ngindarin margin call.

sabar..dia sudah di”puncak”perkiraan koreksi ke 0.91200.kl dah nyampe angka tsb yg sell di 0.93xx baru diclose ambil balik badan 2.butuh waktu 2-3 hari.moga sukses.

yang minus ga usah di close.. biarin aja yach..yang 93xx dah di close dulu ntar nunggu sesi eropa aja neh.. thanks banget atas pencerahannya. mudah-mudahan ga kena margin call

bro..skdr saran sebaiknya sebaknya setiap op selalu pasang SL karena market tdak setiap hr bisa sesuai dgn prediksi kita biar modal ama dan secara sikologis tidak bikin beban.

Sell @ 0.9400
Target @ 0.9300

bung eddy, EU gak tahu nih soalnya gk lihat lagi. kalau pake candle pake indi fractal juga. saya dulu melatih kepekaan saya dicandle pke TF 15 M. Trus pivot point dan market session. Pengalaman sya d GU, jika pagi hari (WIB) maka akan searah hingga pukul 13.00 ampe 15.00. Setelah itu bisa continuation atau reversal bisa pake indi pivot break atau non break. segitu aja bung. 🙂 mungkin di sini ada master yg lebih bisa share strateginya.

yang sdh ambil posisi, siap-siap terjun ke laut he he he he

Wuih, mantap gan, si GU terjun.hehe….

berhubung mendung mau ujan jd langsung udahan nyeburnya..

Kelihatanya dah mu balik arah.

bung irpanpadli,menurut indi yg sy pake AU trendnya dah mau turun.kalo margin masih kuat n mental baja pasang buy di sekitar 9270-9250.
semoga bener

GU gmana prediksinya neehh…?? Kapan turunnya ya..?? Minus dah bejibun dr kemarin…??

Ane msh ada sell GU di 1.5360 dr kmaren.. kpn kira2 GU turun ke situ ya…??

sebaiknya dalam kondisi market seperti ini selalu gunakan manajement resiko biar tenang,prediksi sy secara teknikal gu ttp akan naik sebaiknya perhatikan news yg akan release

Coba buka monthly chart. Candle bulan Mei, Juni dan Juli membentuk revearsal pattern, walau pd bulan Agustus sempat terjadi koreksi. Dan pola juga membentuk double bottom. Kecendrungan longterm akan bergerak ke 1.7 (bullish).

Weekly chart, gagal closed dibawah 1.5336, dan membentuk pola Elliot Wave. Kemungkinan akan bergerak naik, menuju 1.6 atau lebih membentuk garis C (bullish).

Daily chart, kemarin closed diatas 1.5229, kecendrungan trend bullish.

Saya sendiri cenderung ambil OP Buy. Dan akan melakukan multiple entry Buy. Saat ini saya ada OP Buy di 1.5445 saat candle di TF H1 crossing SMA 14 dan kemungkinan akan saya hold.

Pola yg hampir sama terjadi pd EU.

Maaf, ini sekedar bahan pertimbangan. Mungkin rekan2 punya pertimbangan lain.

mg2 sampe tujuan bro hati2 dgn koreksi sy hold buy 1.53837 sm op lg 1.54521

Mantap bro… saya juga mau averaging up begitu ada signal untuk entry buy. Saya pakai rasio 1-2-2-1. Kalau tren masih kuat, bisa nambah 1-2-2-3-3-2-2-1. Jadi pas closed total 8 lot atau 16 lot. Lihat profit minimal sesuai dgn jumlah deposit Margin sebelum entry buy lagi biar aman.

tatap mata saya,,,,ayo GU terbanglah…terbanglah…

Sabar bro ! tunggu news dulu jam 15.30 wib. bisa terbang bisa terjun bisa juga terjun terus terbang atau terbang terus terjun.

impactny kira2 brp pips bro??

ayo GU tatap mata saya lebih dalam,,rilex,,rilex,,naek..terbang,,terbang,,

Waduh.. soal brp pip impactnya aku gak tahu. Bbrp hari lalu kynya ada yang posting soal impact bbrp news.

jadilah bro,,hhehe.. dapet 10 pips lumayan bt bli cendoL..

Untuk NFP biasanya 100 – 200 point
tapi untuk yang lain sekitar 50 – 100 point

semoga membantu

GU ma EU bisa turun ga yaaaa????

GU (Re-Enter)
Sell @ 1.5580
Target @ 1.5480

hallo, running price gu sekarang di mana? apa sesuai prediksiku di atas?? haduh maaf kalau salah.. lama-lama pedang forexku makin berkarat, mikirin modal tak kunjung datang, mæn di demo tetep pake modal.. ayo kawan2 trader pemburu dolar.. bravo pokokna mah, salam dari pecundang sejati. qiqiqiqiqiq,Mang Robot mamayu 3xop tah 9% ,sambil tiduran…..mau prediksi buy/sell,yg penting mah profit aja saya mah,mangga ah mo istirohat….zzz dulu,salam profit heuheuheu

The market break static resistance @ 1.5600 sleds me to change bias to bullish position
Next target should 1.5700

Major downtrend are expired For those who are sell @ 1.5680, cut loss now.



how about EURJPY???

Keep the sell limit, still valid

GBP gain, Euro decline

EURGBP bearish

ok bro keep posting ya.. ^^”

The FTSE fell 11 pts today to 5555, the CAC dropped 18 pts to 3755, and the DAX fell 13 pts to 6261.

British Pound Breaks Out, Japanese Yen Collapses on BoJ Intervention.

Yg sell GBPUSD siap2 DUGEM,
GU akan naik ke 1.5753 dan akan turun kembali setelah terjadi rebounce di 1.5890

BUY EURCHF 1.3050 Target Profit 1.3125 Stop Loss 1.2948
Current Price : 1.3042

para master tolong dibantu
kira2 GU turun dulu sampai berapa???

hi again


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