Lomba Forex Desember 2011



Perusahaan broker kami FXDD kembali mengadakan event lomba forex bergengsi dengan peserta dari Trader seluruh dunia, yang akan dimulai pada tanggal 20 November hingga 23 Desember 2011.



 + PROMO hingga 5% Bonus dari deposit anda, KLIK DISINI untuk Informasinya



Juara 1 = $15,000

Juara 2 = $8,000

Juara 3 = $3,000

Juara 4 – 13 = $1,000

Juara 14 – 32 = $500

Juara 33 – 50 = $250



1. Harus mempunyai Real Account terlebih dahulu di kami (bukan demo, karena ini lomba Live Account secara Nyata)

2. Kirimkan email kepada [email protected] dengan tata cara sbb:

– Judul email : “Join Trading Contest 2011 (cantumkan nama dan nomor login anda pula di judul emailnya)

– Isi email : cantumkan 5 hal berikut = NAMA, EMAIL, NOMOR LOGIN, NOMOR HP/TELEPON, ALAMAT (harus lengkap semua sesuai KTP), dan kalau tidak lengkap maka tidak akan diproses.

3. Tunggu konfirmasi email balasan bahwa partisipasi lomba anda telah diproses (cek juga di bagian spam/bulk)

4. Persiapkan diri dan lakukan deposit yang secukupnya (minimum harus tersedia dana $500 di account trading anda untuk dapat ikut berpartisipasi di lomba ini)

5. Lomba akan dimulai pada tanggal 21 November 2011


Daftar Para Juara Forex dan Nilai Hadiah yang Didapat

juara forex


Contest Period
The contest will begin November 20, 2011 at 5 P.M. ET and end December 23, 2011 at 4 P.M. ET. Open positions will not have to be liquidated for purposes of determining the contest winners. All open positions will be marked to market as of 4 P.M. ET on the last day of the contest.

Contest Entry
The live trading contest is open to registered new and existing clients. Participating clients may register for the contest from now through December 22, 2011 at 12:00 P.M. ET.

Contest Eligibility
To be eligible for the contest, the account equity must be at least $500 as of 4 P.M. ET on November 18, 2011. For those who register during the contest, the account equity must be over $500 on the date of entry. Any withdrawal or transfer from the client’s account during the contest period will result in elimination of eligibility. Clients must complete a minimum of 8 round turn standard lot trades (or the equivalent in the case of mini/micro accounts) prior to 4 P.M. ET on December 23, 2011. Each client can only win the contest with one account. The Company, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to determine eligibility of any client.

Use of contest for promotional purposes
Clients whose account(s) are in the leader’s bracket during the contest must agree that their name and trading record may be published, at its discretion, in any media and format it chooses. All determinations of eligibility by FXDD are made in its sole discretion and such determinations are final.

Selecting the Winners
Participating live accounts will be marked to market at 4:00 PM ET on November 18, 2011 and at 4:00 PM ET on December 23, 2011 to determine beginning equity and ending equity respectively. For the purpose of the contest results, the percentage gain will be calculated using the following formula: 100% * (Ending equity – Beginning equity – Deposits) / (Beginning equity + Deposits) . The contest winners will be the first 50 traders with the highest percentage gain. The final selection of the winners is at FXDD’s sole discretion and all determinations are final.

Trading Regulations
All trading during the contest shall be conducted pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Customer Agreement, Risk Disclosure Statement and Trading Rules and Regulations set forth in FXDD’s customer account opening documents. Further, any client who in FXDD’s sole determination is engaged in any inappropriate trading strategies or who attempts to manipulate FXDD’s price feed or in any other way attempts to manipulate communications or the software made available to clients may be eliminated from the contest. All such determinations shall be final. The purpose of the contest rules is to ensure that each client has the same opportunity; therefore, FXDD reserves the right to amend, waive or interpret any rule in its sole discretion.

Communication Delays
The Company shall not be responsible for any delay in the acceptance or transmission of orders due to a breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, or for any other cause beyond its reasonable control or anticipation.

The Company / FXDD reserves the right to extend the contest time period, to postpone the starting date and to cancel the contest at any time in it its sole discretion.

High Risk Warning
Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. Before you decide to trade foreign exchange, carefully consider your investment objectives, experience level, and risk tolerance. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Educate yourself on the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial or tax advisor if you have any questions.


Untuk mengetahui tentang even lomba forex yang sebelumnya, maka silahkan klik disini

Event lomba forex ini hanya dapat diikuti oleh para anggota live account (real account) kami. KLIK DISINI bila belum mendaftar



  1. berapa biaya depo n wd nya?misalkan saya mau depo 500$,..apakah yang saya keluarkan cukup 500% tersebut?

  2. gimana kalo,,,deposit pake internet banking,,,,trusss wd nya gimana

    • bisa, asalkan internet banking anda terdapat fasilitas untuk transfer valas ke luar negeri.
      penarikan uangnya nanti juga akan langsung ditujukan ke rekening bank anda tersebut.

      Internet Banking sebenarnya sama seperti RTGS / Bank Wire, hanya saja ini dilakukan secara online.

  3. Ayo dong Bung GS, kapan nich di adakan kontes lagi?

  4. kumalahijau says

    depo nya ke rek luar negeri y? berapa lama dari depo sampai bisa trading, klo WD cepet masuk rekening ga, thx

    • betul, karena kami adalah pialang dari Amerika Serikat.

      Depo/WD tergantung dari media yang anda gunakan.
      Jika dengan bank wire transfer prosesnya adalah 1-3 hari kerja, tetapi bila dengan paypal bisa lebih cepat hingga beberapa jam saja.
      Dan kami hanya menerima media pembayaran yang legal, serta Tanpa Perantara/Pihak ke 3.

  5. Taufiqurrahman says

    Kapan ada kontes lagi ??

  6. berikan saya keterangan denga bahasa indonesia biar saya mengerti karena saya mautahu apa yang dilombakan dan bagaimana caraberlombanya.

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